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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Study Guide: Quiz 1

So for the quiz, we need to know the following topics, and I will go into each one in greater depth.

*creation myths
*gods/goddesses (greek/roman)
*microcosm vs. macrocosm
*matriarchal vs. matrifocal
*hiero gamos
*goddess transition


fecundator = fertilizer, agent of creation

alloform = same thing in different form... breath :: life, breath :: death

sparagmos = ripping or rending of flesh

anthropomorphic = attributing human form or characteristics to non-human things (deities)

homologies = similarities such as that of baptism and a hero coming out of the underworld
creatrix = the goddess that created the world

hiero gamos = sacred marriage

etiological = why things are the way they are

cosmogeny = beginning of order

pantheon = collection of gods for a certain culture


Ex-Nihilo:  created out of nothing, void

Earth Diver: an animal or other life form dives down to the bottom of a body of water and brings it back up...LIFE!

Emergence: life as we knows it emerges out of different layers, or in some cases, a giant vagina

Primal Unity: separation of light/dark, earth/sky, etc.

Dismemberment: sparagmos is usually involved and parts of a body become parts of the earth

Axis Mundi: a connection between the natural and the divine


Aphrodite (Venus) - sexual desire, beauty

Apollo (Phoebus Apollo) - medicine, poetry, archer

Ares (Mars) - war

Artemis (Diana) - hunting, moon, virginity

Athena (Minerva) - wisdom, weaving

Demeter (Ceres) - grain

Hades (Pluto) - underworld

Hephaestus (Vulcan) - forge and fire

Hera (Juno) - marriage, childbirth

Hermes (Mercury) - messenger

Hestia (Vesta) - hearth

Poseidon (Neptune) - sea

Zeus (Jupiter/Jove) - sky


Mircrocosms refer to human life, and life in general here on Earth. Macrocosms are referring to everything outside our immediate world, such as gods, stars, etc.


Society is focused around women, as we are more powerful than men.





GREEK     (ROMAN)     Area

Gaea     (Terra)    mother earth, nourishes all life

Uranus    (Uranus)     ruler of the sky

Briareus     (--)     hundred-hand giant

Cyclopes     (--)     one-eyed metalsmith

Titans     (--)      immortals who ruled the universe before the gods

Cronus     (Saturn)     god of sky after Uranus, youngest Titan

Rhea     (Ops/Cybele)      goddess like Gaea

Helios    (Sol)    god of sun

Selene     (--)     goddess of moon

Oceanus      (Nereus)     god of the great river

Atlas    (--)      holds up the sky- strong

Themis    (--)     prophecy

Prometheus    (forethought)     creative, intelligent

Epimetheus       (afterthought)      husband of first mortal woman

Aphrodite     (Venus)     sexual desire/beauty

Zeus     (Jupiter, Jove)      god of sky after Cronus

Poseidon     (Neptune)      god of the sea

Hades     (Pluto)      god of the underworld

Hera    (Juno)       goddess of marriage/childbirth

Demeter      (Ceres)     goddess of grain

Hestia     (Vesta)       goddess of hearth

Apollo     (Phoebus Apollo)      medicine, poetry, archer

Artemis     (Diana)      hunt, moon, virgin

Ares     (Mars)      war

Athena      (Minerva)       weaving, wisdom

Hermes      (Mercury)        messenger of the gods

Persephone       (Proserpine)        underworld

Hephaestus        (Vulcan)       forge


There are 3 stages or manifestations of the goddess, expressing each special phase of femininity. These stages are also associated with the moon and its cycle.

1. Virgin (Waxing): new beginnings, growing, birthing ideas, learning

2. Mother (Full): fullness, full of life, most fertile

3. Crone (Waning): wisdom and experience, knowledge, approaching death

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